It's easy to see the negative in a situation. It seems that social media and the traditional media...
What Can You Do?
Looking back the past two years or so years, there have been many unexpected events that have unfolded...
By this point, countless waves the coronavirus, and a seemingly unending pandemic. Polarizing political views, and a sensationalization from the media to add further fuel to the fire... Add to that the emotion of loved ones falling ill, jobs being lost, and an overall uncertainty of where society is headed...
and like myself, it has probably left many of you with feelings of fear, uncertainty and doubt.
More recently, global news broke out regarding the tension that was building in the Eastern Bloc.. and it feels, like yet again, another global crisis has come about.
It's easy to let this cloud your thinking, and affect your well-being, but lets break it down...
Is it Within Your Circle of Concern?
With the current situation in Europe, and with many other situations that come up daily...
it's important to recognize what may be in our circle of concern but outside of our control or influence.
Right now, there is another group of humans somewhere in this world.. going through something most of us can not even remotely imagine. I feel for the common-people of both sides of the tragedy breaking out in Europe. I feel for those that must standby and live through their everyday world is being torn down. I feel for those that are silently against what is happening in their home country.
Imagine, waking up one day and everything is relatively normal... and the very next war and destruction is at your doorstep. Imagine the feelings of the common people on both sides.
I can't pretend to have any understanding of what immense weight these people must be feeling right now, and at the moment it is something outside of my influence of control.
Are they within my circle of concern? Yes, most definitely.
What Can I Control?
As a single person, I cannot control anything that happens on this large of a scale.
If I could stop the bombing, the fighting and strife, I would!
What I can control, is mainly internal.
I can either create opposition or unity, with the way I spread my ideas and thoughts.
I can control the way I perceive and react to an uncertain situation.
I can be grateful that I live in a place where there is relative peace, and we have the freedom to still openly discuss opposing ideas.
I can be accepting of those who do not see eye to eye with me, and accept that everyone has the right to their opinion, and it does not necessarily mean they are a bad person.
Those are some of the things that I can control.
"An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you"
― Goi Nasu
You can both be concerned about a situation and hope for the best outcome, without letting it destroy your inner peace or adding fuel to the fire.
What Can I Influence?
A person typically has the ability to influence at least a few people, to an extent. People with larger platforms or audiences, may have a much larger circle of influence via social media, or other means.
Many times, we follow celebrities or thought leaders, that spread their point of view. Sometimes it can be polarizing, and it's important to understand that just like you, they are human.
They have ideas, and viewpoints but you agreeing or disagreeing with them will not make a difference. It is merely an idea.
What I can influence is directly around me.
We can spread ideas of opposition, or of unity.
We can accept those with opposing views. Most times, it typically hurts more than it helps to argue with someone else over an issue.. Especially when most of us are so far removed from the situation.
We can lead by example, and promote peace.. but that starts from within, then it leads to those that are within your circle of influence.
It's important that we form a view point, and to believe in something! We've been given the right to speak freely and express our ideas...
However try to pause, and think about what you are trying to achieve, and if what you are doing is the best way to achieve that.
This is not meant to trivialize the importance of one's individual voice, rather to incite a thought as to what am I using my voice to accomplish? As most of us are merely bystanders to this, we can allow it to divide us or to come together.
Ask yourself, how can you expect two countries to agree or be at peace... when we cannot achieve that within our own tribe?
We Are Finite
We have a limited amount of energy and time here. Are we spending our energy and ideas, creating or destroying?
We are a powerful species.. and have the ability to build great things, and to also tear them apart. In all of this, I ask myself... where is my energy best spent?
On a broader scale...
Is your energy best spent worrying about things that are completely outside of your control?
Is your energy spend trying to make what is happening around you better?
"We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi